See you in 2037!

There Goes The Sun!

Did you make it to a celebration of “Birkat HaChama,” that once-in-28-years Jewish holiday when we say a Blessing for the sun?

Or did you - like most people - miss it, what with it coming the morning of Passover, and a week before Tax Day?

Either way, the
SunBlessing — with it’s Talmudic focus of an astronomical remembrance of the wonders of creation  —  is over, for now ….but the party continues.

Here at, we will continue to provide information on the once-in-a-generation bracha, and, More Importantly, feature commemorative SunWear such as Teeshirts saying: “I Celebrated Birkat HaChama 5769  …..   and all I got was this Renewed Universe.

Also available are the SunBlessing Maternity shirt (with the sun shining over the belly) a SunBlessing Baseball Cap, a woman’s Solar Skyshirt™, and even a new Sun-Based Jewish Super-Hero Comic Book, “The Secret of The Solar Succah” starring the Jewish Hero Corps.

If you DID miss the event of the decade, don’t worry, there’s SunWear for you too, like the “See You in 2037” Sweatshirt!

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